Challenge to International Megan’s Law – the next step in pushing back on H.R. 515
Dear ,
You are receiving this message for two reasons; to share information on the next step in pushing back on H.R. 515 and share a Ted Talk You Tube video with Galen Baughman recently released which will no-doubt escalate our issue to a new level. Please share the video with your legislators and media.
Galen is asking for immediate responses if you meet the criteria below.
A number of lawyers are working with me to lay the foundations for a legal challenge to International Megan’s Law if it is signed into law. We expect H.R. 515 to pass on a suspension vote in the House this Tuesday and be sent to President Obama’s desk.
We’re looking for idea plaintiffs and we need your help to find people who meet one of these criteria:
1. Does not have a passport, but wants one
2. Has a passport about to expire
3. Travels internationally a number of times per year (especially for work)
4. Has been harassed while traveling in or out of the US based on registration status
If you think you fit any of these four categories, please write to me with the following information:
1. Name
2. Age
3. Age at time of offense
4. Offense(s)
5. Which of the four (4) categories you fit into
6. Would you be willing to be a name plaintiff to challenge this law?
7. State you live in
All responses will be treated as confidential by the Washington Lawyers’ Committee for Civil Rights & Urban Affairs and Human Rights Defense Center.
Time is of the essence.
Galen Baughman
Soros Justice Fellow
Human Rights Defense Center
11 Dupont Circle, NW
Washington, DC 20036
(202) 681-8121
Ted Talk You Tube Video
WAR Board of Directors